Mid Term Exam Sem 1 #3

1.  PL/SQL extends SQL by including all of the following except:

♦conditional statements
♦reusable program units
♦nonprocedural constructs (*)

2.  The P in PL/SQL stands for:

♦Procedural (*)

3.  Which of the following statements about PL/SQL and SQL is true?

♦PL/SQL and SQL are both ANSI-compliant.
♦PL/SQL and SQL can be used with many types of databases, including Oracle.
♦PL/SQL and SQL are both Oracle proprietary programming languages.
♦PL/SQL allows basic program logic and control flow to be combined with SQL statements. (*)

4.  Using Oracle Application Express, you can create Web applications that include PL/SQL. True or False?
♦True (*)

5.  Comparing PL/SQL with other languages such as C and Java, which of the following statements is true?

♦PL/SQL is harder to learn
♦PL/SQL is easier to learn and more efficient (*)
♦PL/SQL is easier to learn but less efficient
♦PL/SQL is easier to learn and does not require an Oracle database or tool

6.  The fact that PL/SQL is portable is a good thing because:

♦Exceptions can be ported to different operating systems
♦Blocks can be sent to the operating system.
♦PL/SQL code can be developed on one platform and deployed on another (*)
♦PL/SQL code can be run on any operating system without a database

7.  Which lines of code will correctly display the message “The cat sat on the mat”? (Choose two.)

♦DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(‘The cat sat on the mat’); (*)
♦DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(The cat sat on the mat);
♦DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(‘The cat’ || ‘sat on the mat’);
♦DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(‘The cat sat ‘ || ‘on the mat’); (*)

8.  Every PL/SQL anonymous block must start with the keyword DECLARE. True or False?

♦False (*)

9.  Which of the following tools can NOT be used to develop and test PL/SQL code?

♦Oracle Jdeveloper
♦Oracle Application Express
♦Oracle JSQL (*)
♦Oracle iSQL*Plus

10.  Which component of Oracle Application Express is used to enter and run SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks?

♦Application Builder
♦SQL Workshop (*)
♦Object Browser

11.  Which statements are optional in a PL/SQL block? (Choose two.)


12.  Which keywords must be included in every PL/SQL block? (Choose two.)

♦END; (*)
♦BEGIN (*)

13.  PL/SQL can convert a VARCHAR2 value containing alphabetic characters to a NUMBER value. True or False?
♦False (*)

14.  TO_NUMBER, TO_CHAR, and TO_DATE are all examples of:

♦Implicit conversion functions
♦Explicit conversion functions (*)
♦Character functions

15.  Examine the following code:
4 x:= ‘300’;
5 END;

After line 4, what is the value of x?

♦300 (*)

16.  Which of the following are disadvantages of implicit data type conversions? (Choose two.)

♦The code is harder to read and understand (*)
♦You cannot store alphabetic characters in a variable of data type NUMBER
♦If Oracle changes the conversion rules in the future, your code may not work any more (*)
♦Oracle cannot implicitly convert a number value to a character string

17.  When you use a function to convert data types in a PL/SQL program, it is called ______ conversion.

♦Explicit (*)

18.  Single row character functions are valid SQL functions in PL/SQL. True or False?
♦True (*)

19.  What is the output when the following program is executed?
set serveroutput on
a VARCHAR2(10) := ‘333’;
b VARCHAR2(10) := ‘444’;
d VARCHAR2(10);
c := TO_NUMBER(a) + TO_NUMBER(b);
d := a || b;

♦Nothing. The code will result in an error.
♦c=777 and d=333444 (*)
♦c=777 and d=777
♦c=333444 and d=777

20.  Examine the following code. What is the final value of V_MYBOOL ?

v_mynumber NUMBER;
v_mybool BOOLEAN ;
v_mynumber := 6;
v_mybool := (v_mynumber BETWEEN 10 AND 20);
v_mybool := NOT (v_mybool);

♦True (*)

21.  If you are using the %TYPE attribute, you can avoid hard coding the:
♦Data type (*)
♦Table name
♦Column name

22.  Which of the following declarations is invalid?

♦v_count PLS_INTEGER:=0;
♦college_name VARCHAR2(20):=’Harvard’;
♦v_pages CONSTANT NUMBER; (*)
♦v_start_date DATE := sysdate+1;

23.  Which of the following should NOT be used as the name of a variable?

♦A table name.
♦A table column name. (*)
♦The database name.

24.  Valid identifiers begin with a

♦Letter (*)
♦Special character

25.  Which of the following are valid identifiers? (Choose two.)

♦yesterday (*)
♦yesterday’s date
♦v$testresult (*)

26.  Reserved words can be used as identifiers. True or False?

♦False (*)

27.  Evaluate the following declaration. Determine whether or not it is legal.
maxsalary NUMBER(7) = 5000;

♦Not correct. (*)

28.  Variables can be assigned a value in both the Executable and Declaration sections of a PL/SQL program. True or False?

♦True (*)

29.  Identify which of the following assignment statements are valid. (Choose three.)

♦v_last_name := Chandra;
♦v_blackout_date := ’31-DEC-2006′; (*)
♦v_population := 333444; (*)
♦v_music_type := ‘ROCK’; (*)

30.  Is the following variable declaration correct or not ?

display_qty CONSTANT NUMBER;

♦Not correct. (*)

31.  A collection is a composite data type. True or False?
♦True (*)

32.  Type of a variable determines the range of values the variable can have and the set of operations that are defined for values of the type.

♦True (*)

33.  What is the data type of the variable V_DEPT_TABLE in the following declaration?
TYPE dept_table_type IS TABLE OF departments%ROWTYPE INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER; v_dept_table dept_table_type; …

♦Composite (*)

34.  In the following code, Line A causes an exception. What value will be displayed when the code is executed?

outer_var VARCHAR2(50) := ‘My’;
outer_var := outer_var || ‘ name’;
inner_var NUMBER;
inner_var := ‘Mehmet’; — Line A
outer_var := outer_var || ‘ is’;
outer_var := outer_var || ‘ Zeynep’;

♦My name (*)
♦My name is
♦My name is Zeynep

35.  PL/SQL does not look _________ in the child blocks.

♦Downward (*)

36.  Examine the following code. Line A causes an exception. What will be displayed when the block is executed?

var_a NUMBER := 6;
var_b DATE;
var_a := var_a * 2;
var_b := ’28 December 2006′; — Line A
var_a := var_a * 2;

♦12 (*)
♦Nothing will be displayed

37.  What will be displayed when the following code is executed?
x VARCHAR2(6) := ‘Chang’;
x VARCHAR2(12) := ‘Susan’;
x := x || x;

♦Chang (*)
♦The code will fail with an error

38.  When an exception occurs within a PL/SQL block, the remaining statements in the executable section of the block are skipped. True or False?
♦True (*)

39.  Which of the following will help to make code easier to read?

♦Naming variables.
♦Using %Type.
♦Including comments in the code. (*)

40.  Which of the following is an example of using a case convention for good programming practice?

♦Assign variables by using functions.
♦Declare variables in the DECLARE section.
♦Declare data types in uppercase. (*)
♦Include an exception handler in every PL/SQL block.

41.  Using standards for naming conventions is recommended. True or False?

♦True (*)

42.  Which rows will be deleted from the EMPLOYEES table when the following code is executed?

salary employees.salary%TYPE := 12000;
DELETE FROM employees
WHERE salary > salary;

♦All rows whose SALARY column value is greater than 12000.
♦All rows in the table.
♦No rows. (*)
♦All rows whose SALARY column value is equal to 12000.

43.  The following code will return the last name of the employee whose employee id is equal to 100: True or False?
v_last_name employees.last_name%TYPE;
employee_id employees.employee_id%TYPE := 100;
SELECT last_name INTO v_last_name
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = employee_id;
♦False (*)

44.  Which one of these SQL statements can be directly included in a PL/SQL executable block?
♦DELETE FROM employees
WHERE department_id=60;
♦SELECT salary FROM employees
WHERE department_id=60;
♦CREATE TABLE new_emps (last_name VARCHAR2(10), first_name VARCHAR2(10));
♦DROP TABLE locations;

45.  A variable is declared as:

v_holdit employees.last_name%TYPE;

Which of the following is a correct use of the INTO clause?

INTO v_holdit
FROM employees;

♦SELECT last_name
INTO v_holdit
FROM employees;

♦SELECT last_name
INTO v_holdit
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id=100;

♦SELECT salary
INTO v_holdit
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id=100;

46.  The following anonymous block of code is run:
INSERT INTO countries (id, name)
VALUES (‘XA’, ‘Xanadu’);
INSERT INTO countries (id, name)
VALUES (‘NV’,’Neverland’);

What happens when the block of code finishes?

♦No data is inserted and no errors occur.
♦No data is inserted and an error occurs
♦Two rows are inserted and no errors occur.
♦Two rows are inserted and an error occurs. (*)

47.  The following anonymous block of code is run:

INSERT INTO countries (id, name)
VALUES (‘XA’, ‘Xanadu’);
INSERT INTO countries (id, name)
VALUES (‘NV’,’Neverland’);

What happens when the block of code finishes?

♦You have nothing new; the last ROLLBACK undid the INSERTs.
♦You have the rows added twice; there are four new rows.
♦You have the two new rows added. (*)
♦You get an error; you cannot COMMIT twice in a row.

48.  Which SQL statement can NOT use an implicit cursor?

♦A DELETE statement
♦An UPDATE statement
♦A SELECT statement that returns multiple rows (*)
♦A SELECT statement that returns one row

49.  You declare an implicit cursor in the DECLARE section of a PL/SQL block. True or False?

♦False (*)

50.  Assume there are 5 employees in Department 10. What happens when the following statement is executed?
UPDATE employees
SET salary=salary*1.1;

♦All employees get a 10% salary increase. (*)
♦No rows are modified because you did not specify “WHERE department_id=10”
♦A TOO_MANY_ROWS exception is raised.
♦An error message is displayed because you must use the INTO clause to hold the new salary.

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